College & Schools

Ilfracombe Junior School continues to work on improving Ashley’s Garden with the help of parents. The lunchtime gardeners dig & sow in the vegetable garden, which is an ongoing project & look after the composting of the school lunches waste. The after school garden club & the Eco club continue with their activities. This year a group of children planted & grew sunflowers from seeds donated by a local company.

Ilfracombe Infant & Nursery School continue to use the school allotment & grounds to develop learning in the wider curriculum.  Children across the school have had opportunities to garden this year.


Year 1 children grew some pots of flowers outside their classrooms as part of their work on living and growing. Meanwhile in Year 2 the gardening club children are busy growing potatoes & tomatoes as well as keeping many of the school planters & hanging baskets looking attractive. All of the Year 1 & 2 children continue to help in the process of producing much of their own compost at the school.